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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Cott

The Comfort Zone

Comfort zone, that place we so often retreat to. We may feel safe and secure here but are we happy in our comfort zone? That is the question. Yes maybe for a while you can live happily in your comfort zone, but it isn’t a place we can stay truly and deeply happy in, there will be that need, that desire for more. The problem with being stuck in our comfort zone is that we don’t move forward or progress when we are there because as the name suggests we are comfortable.

The ego runs the comfort zone, our ego wants us to remain in this space. Why you ask? Because our ego wants to keep us safe, our ego likes for us to stick to what we already know and what we’ve already been doing, because to this point it has kept us alive. Our ego doesn’t realise that we no longer live in caves with danger around every corner.

When you begin to move out of your comfort zone you may feel some resistance, you may question yourself, feel anxious, nervous, and feel some discomfort, but all of these feelings are your ego attempting to stop you from moving forward. The ego only knows the past, it operates going by past experiences, not just your past experiences but the past experiences of the whole human race.

This is where we have to seperate from the ego, realise we are not our ego, we are not our thoughts, we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. We must live in the present, in the now, and push through the feelings of discomfort our ego will try to throw at us, the present moment is all that matters. Once we realise these things, it becomes so much easier to move forward, because we can identify what is our ego and what is us. It is this separation from the ego that will set you free. Start now, start leaving your comfort zone, and don’t judge yourself, don’t judge your thoughts, don’t even judge your ego, just begin one step at a time moving forward and stepping into your power. You are in charge of your life, you are the creator of your own destiny.

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