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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Cott

👼Angels & Your Guardian Angel👼


Angels are all around us, everywhere we go there is guaranteed to be angels. Where there are people, there are angels.

We all have our own Guardian Angel who will guide us and help us with absolutely anything as long as it is for our highest good. This is the part where you’re probably thinking “Okay but what’s the catch?” and the great news is there isn’t any catch, just ask and your Guardian Angel will help.

Any angel, guardian included, will not help unless you ask them, as humans we have freewill and all angels respect our freewill. They will do their very best to keep you on track and out of harms way but they can only truly intervene if we believe, have faith in them and if we ask.

We all deserve love and guidance from the angelic realm, in fact we deserve it from any and every realm. Nothing is too small or even too big, simply call on your guardian angel and the angels and they will be there for you right away. You can ask for help, support, guidance, a sign, or even just talk to them. I often just call on them in my room and talk to them because I can feel them listening and I will often notice something or receive a sign from them.

You will normally feel their presence, the room temperature may change, you may simply just feel this knowing that they are with you, you might feel like someone is listening, you may see orbs fly by you or out of the corner of your eye, you might receive a sign like a feather or butterfly or bird like a robin, you might smell something, you could hear them calling you or speaking, they might gently touch you, I often feel the angels ruffle my hair, there’s an endless list of ways to know that angels are present, trust your intuition because if you feel like they are with you then they are.

Most importantly don’t be afraid, all the angels not just your guardian angel love you and want to support and guide you.

It is completely normal to feel a bit freaked out sometimes when these things start happening and they feel unfamiliar and we’ve been raised in a generation (I was anyway) full of movies and stories trying to tell us that when things start moving or signs start showing up that someone is with us that it’s the start of bad horror movie, I can happily tell you we are not in a Hollywood movie or show and that there is nothing to worry about, maybe watch less TV shows and movies that make you worry 😛

It is of course important to have psychic protection which we will go over another time but when it comes to angels, they are truly here just to love us, help us, guide us and protect us.

There are Angels for everything, your personal guardian angel, the healing angels, the romance angels, career angels, finance angels, you name it and there’s an angel or group of angels for it.

I hope this is a helpful description/explanation on angels for you and that now you will call on them whenever you need to or want to for any reason. They love to help and to communicate with us, so what are you waiting for, call on them everyday as often as you want, you will love it and so will they.

Love & Light,


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